The Clan Wars And Beginning Of The Second TriTek Era

The Walking War” precedes this installment. 

Tasked with a heavy workload, the UNE had a hard road ahead of itself.As they attempted further developed TriTeknology without the Slakhallet Codex, a solution was searched for in earnest for the never ending Glitches while also looking into what could further be developed from what had been already deciphered from the Codex itself.

On Earth, the struggle to not only rebuild, but also defend against thousands of Rogue CDF elements that were being referred to now as Clans, hindered the UNE’s efforts. In multiple and various conflicts scattered across the globe between themselves, each other, Faction Militaries and the UNEDF in a conflict known as The Clan Wars, there was still armed conflict ever-present. Slowly, over the following years while the Walks kept Factions and Nations from participating in larger square conflicts. Many of the clans had began to developed themselves to a point in experimenting with Nation building and some even resembled governments more so than the entities they started out as. 

The Solar Authority began transitioning their role into not only patrol and protection of human interest but also exploration and expeditions in hopes to find, perhaps other Tr’ktan survivors or additional Slakallet type facilities elsewhere while defending against Clan elements that had began operating in the various space lanes between Earth and its outer settlements.

In 2139, in it’s new headquarters located under a protective dome on Antartic called Consillium, representatives from the UNE, Solar Authority, Factions and Governments from around the system ratified The Clan Accords which officially recognized the Clans as self-governing entities. This ended what had become known as The Clan Wars and welcomed the clans into the Walking War System of Conflict Resolution. Finally, for the first time in over two decades, humanity shared a mutual peace.

Officially, the Second Era of Triteknology began. Despite being without the Slakhallet Codex, advancements were made. Thanks to the UNE’s Walks, many large scale conflicts were thwarted. 

NEXT: The Incident At Yamantau 

Part 3: “The Clan Wars” covers events seen in the Walking War Robots Universe update version 1.2.3 from February 10th, 2015

A Rogatka from the Mercenary Clan [OVER] The Party’s Over

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